AMAZON US Love Hurts by Carol E. Wyer I love it when an author jumps out of a cake and surprises you. W...
AMAZON UK AMAZON US So...I met an Alien by Paul McAvoy This is the second of Paul’s books I have read (So…I met a Ghost).  It’s a...
AMAZON UK AMAZON US Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease are conditions we hope will never afflict our loved ones—more specifically, our...   This is quite a book. It focusses on a very unpleasant and highly distressing subject…or rather, crime…...
novelsecret The psychological thriller genre is probably my favourite. That, combined with one of my favourite authors and I’m in rea...
AMAZON UK AMAZON US I should point out straightaway that this is a ‘to be continued’ book. Now, I’m really not too fond of books tha...
I’ve read a number of good books since my last encounter with ex assassin Leine Basso, and with each (most of them by new-to-me authors)...

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