Finding Travis by Melissa Bowersock
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Another wonderful and compelling story from the prolific and talented Melissa Bowersock. Axl Rose of Guns 'n' Roses has, I gather, one of the widest vocal ranges. If Melissa was a singer, she would be Axl Rose, such is her talent and flair for penning a wide range of genres.
What I love about Bowersock’s books is that you always seem to like nearly all the characters. She has a knack of making them so very likeable. The Travis of the title is especially so. Poor chap…he can’t settle into a job and his marriage is a bit kaput. Whilst he’s trying to sort himself out, he volunteers at the historic Fort Verde, donning a cavalry surgeon’s uniform (I like him already) for the visitors. Not the most stimulating of jobs, he settles into a chair for a bit whilst on his shift. And wakes up in 1877. His authentic uniform gets him mistaken for an actual surgeon. Not only does he have to bluff his way through medical procedures of which he has no knowledge, but he has to play the part of a nineteenth-century cavalry man for real; no room here for iPhones and LOLs. One thing doesn’t change though: love. Despite desperately hoping he can get back to the twenty-first century the same way he found himself in the nineteenth, a certain Miss Welles stops him in his tracks. Well, what's so wonderful about the twenty-first century, anyway?
Oh, I did like Travis. I think I might have fallen in love with him. He’s what can truly be called, a jolly good egg...a handsome one. Corporal Riley, his right-hand man, was a superb character: virtually inscrutable. He never gave away what must have he thought when he saw a set of keys (car) and a mobile... The very lovely Phaedra Welles reminded me of one of Jane Austen’s heroine’s: determined, independent with a smattering of assertiveness.
I won’t need any convincing whatsoever to read the next part of Travis’s story (Being Travis) which I really, really hope will be available soon.
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